

4.Listen to the Spoken Word

Another way to increase feeding on the Word of God is to listen to the spoken word of God.  These days, with the advantage of technology, access to the spoken word of God is easier than ever. Anyone can listen on-the-go to audio versions of the Bible and anointed teachings of approved men of God.

One-time hearing is not enough. In the excitement that the Word of God brings, you will miss the substance of it. At the minimum, before you can receive spiritual substance from any teaching, you must listen to it two times.  Be like David in Psalms 62:11, for every time God spoke, he heard it twice. The Holy Spirit and Word of God are of the same material; when you stuff yourself full of the Word of God, you are more in-tune with the Holy Spirit. 

The more you expose yourself to the Word of God, the more it impacts your ability to separate between your flesh, your soul and your spirit.  The desires of your flesh are always contrary to the desires of your spirit; and the spirit is against the flesh. A Christian should be able to tell those apart.  However, it is tougher to separate the emotions, fantasies and likes of the soul from the spirit, especially if such persons have not consistently cleansed or renewed the mind by the word of God.

Over time, people develop deep-seated, subconscious desires in their soul, carefully deposited by the devil, that commands life’s preference. If not properly subjected to the Word of God, such desires could mature and even be confused for spiritual leadings. That is why you must invest your time, money, attention and energy into developing your spirit. The Word of God will renew your mind and divide between the fine lines of your soul and spirit, and even help you judge the root of the thoughts and intents of your heart.


PRAYER: Father, let your word come alive in me. Let it pierce through every part of my flesh, soul and spirit, until your will alone is strengthened in me. Amen.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 24:1-25:28, Romans 12:1-21, Psalm 22:19-31, Proverbs 20:8-10


SPIRIT MEAT is a daily devotional guide by Rev. and Rev. (Mrs) Olusola Areogun of Life Oasis International Church.

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