

Quietness before God requires the right posture.  Posture deals with the way in which you hold your body in a situation, which ultimately affects your attitude and attention. It conveys your seriousness or lack of it before God and what you can receive in quietness. 

When you appear before God, do not be familiar or careless in His presence. Though there is no law in the Bible that says to pray with eyes closed, however if you need to start by closing your eyes to concentrate on the presence of God within you or around you, then close your eyes.

What is the right posture for you to pray? Some people kneel to pray, others stand. A posture of kneeling for so long may hurt and result in distraction for some. In that case, get up and walk around while praying.

Discipline yourself. Do not lie down in bed, on the same spot where you woke up, to have your quiet time. You will fall back asleep. Instead, practice the principle of relocation. See Jesus’ example in Mark 1:35, He got up from sleep, walked to a solitary place and there prayed. His posture is a communication to the Holy Ghost that he is serious to listen to Him.

Just like a student makes his teacher eager to teach him by an attitude of hunger that he sustains through asking questions and showing interest in what the teacher is doing, you must make the Holy Ghost eager to talk to you by your posture and attitude in his presence.


PRAYER: Like Jesus, I will discipline myself to maintain the right attitude that allows the Holy Spirit to teach and instruct me every day, in Jesus Name. Amen.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 19:1-20:37, Romans 10:14-11:12, Psalm 21:1-13, Proverbs 20:4-6


SPIRIT MEAT is a daily devotional guide by Rev. and Rev. (Mrs) Olusola Areogun of Life Oasis International Church.

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