

As Christians, we have a major advantage in life, but it is unfortunate that most of us don’t take that advantage. Our advantage is in the person of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says He will instruct us and teach us in the way we should go and guide us with His eyes (Psalms 32:8). That is a major advantage because when God leads you, He will guide you to profit. A lot of Christians lose in life because they are not following the Holy Spirit, the Guide. They find it difficult to follow the Guide because they are not developing a walk with Him. They are not developing a walk with Him because they are promoting some other things in their relationships.

It's very important that we as Christians understand the advantage that we have and that we don't move into a disadvantage. If something looks right to you and God says, “No, there is danger there, don't get involved”, then don't move but stay. Your brain cannot be more accurate than the Holy Spirit. The Bible says in (Prov 14:12), “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.”

Promoting your mind above God’s leading can be devastating. Your mind can only relate with your past and your present but the Holy Spirit is the One that has access into the future events. So, it is to our greatest advantage when we develop a sound walk and relationship with the Holy Spirit.


PRAYER: Holy Spirit, help me to develop a walk with You so that you can teach me to profit in life. Amen!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 4:1-6:11, Romans 7:1-13, Psalm 17:1-15, Proverbs 19:22-23


SPIRIT MEAT is a daily devotional guide by Rev. and Rev. (Mrs) Olusola Areogun of Life Oasis International Church.

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