The deceptive food that the devil feeds the spirit is called ‘religion’. What is the real food for the spirit? It is the revelation of the Word of God. The deceptive food is religion. That is why people that get genuinely born again suddenly start facing persecution from parents, uncles or family members whom they thought were saved but were rather religious. Have you ever been in such a situation and you wondered, “What is the strange thing that I have done?” It is because what the family members had was religion and the worst enemy of God is religion.
A religious spirit is more terrible to the Kingdom of God than a spirit
of fornication. A man with a religious spirit will propound strange doctrines
that will affect generations, even when he repents, it will be difficult to
undo that strange doctrine, but a man that fornicates will only affect himself
and can repent.
From our passage today, we see the spirit of religion talking. A man who
is not born again may think he is alright by doing some activities. He is not
born again; he is living in sin but he buys carpets for church and thinks God
will look at his carpets to take him to heaven. That is a deception of the
highest order!
People go to Israel from different countries in the world and go to drop
prayer points at the Wailing Wall. There is nothing special about the prayer prayed
there; it’s just sheer religion! They go to the tomb of Jesus, and weep
profusely, although most of them are not born again, the truth is “Jesus is no
more in the grave!”. That's religion for you, so don't be religious!
deliver me from every spirit of religion and strange doctrine that can pollute
and affect divine communications to my spirit in Jesus name. Amen!
YEAR: 1 Chronicles 2:18-4:4, Acts 24:1-27, Psalm 4:1-8, Proverbs 18:16-18
Spirit Meat is a daily devotional guide by Rev.
and Rev. (Mrs) Olusola Areogun of Life Oasis
International Church.